You can put your membership on hold as often as you like, but for a maximum period of 3 months at a time. If you have a Plus or Supreme membership, it is free to suspend membership for the first 3 months of a 12-month period. If you wish to suspend your membership again within the period of 12 months, there will bee af fee of 150,-
With Light membership, there is a fee of 150,- to suspend the membership for up to 3 months. See §22
It is only possible to put the membership on hold from the 1st of the month before your membership is drawn. It is not possible to suspend membership after the 1st of the month or with retroactive effect.
You can resume your membership at any time within the period.
When you submit the form, you automatically receive a receipt. If you do not receive a receipt, please complete the form and resubmit.