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Vores ekspertise
er din tryghed

With our expertise, professionalism and experience, you can expect professional treatment of your pain!



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We know the importance of a good rehabilitation course. Since we work outside the public agreement, it gives us a good opportunity to be able to offer rehabilitation packages which are put together in the way we believe, from a physiotherapeutic professional assessment, provides the best prerequisites for a good end result. Even if you do not receive a subsidy from the public health insurance, we have made sure that you achieve savings by choosing a rehabilitation package.


Hvilken pakke
skal jeg vælge

If you have a minor injury and want to carry out exercises in your own home or at another training centre, Rehabilitation Package 1 will be relevant for you.

If you want to start pre-operative training, have a minor injury that has not been operated on and want more guidance, security and use our training facilities, Rehabilitation Package 2 will be relevant for you.


If you have been through an operation or a long term of illness, Rehabilitation Package 3 will be relevant for you. Here you get a longer rehabilitation course that gives a better end result, at the same time you get more guidance, increased security and use of our training facilities

Priser & lægehenvisning

If you have a minor injury and want to carry out exercises in your own home or at another training centre, Rehabilitation Package 1 will be relevant for you.

If you want to start pre-operative training, have a minor injury that has not been operated on and want more guidance, security and use our training facilities, Rehabilitation Package 2 will be relevant for you.


If you have been through an operation or a long term of illness, Rehabilitation Package 3 will be relevant for you. Here you get a longer rehabilitation course that gives a better end result, at the same time you get more guidance, increased security and use of our training facilities

Du har mulighed for at få dækket genoptræning/fysioterapi fra en række sundheds- og ulykkesforsikringer. Nogle forsikringsselskaber dækker det fulde honorar, mens andre dækker kun dele af honoraret.

Som patient, skal du selv kontakte din egen forsikring for at opnå bevilling. Det er vigtigt at du oplyser, at du vælger genoptræning/fysioterapi udenfor offentlig overenskomst (uden ydernummer).*

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