Professionel massage behandling
På vores klinik går vi et skridt videre end traditionel massage. Vore fysioterapeuter leverer specialiserede massagebehandlinger, baseret på en dybtgående kendskab til kroppens strukturer og funktioner. Hver session er designet med dit helbred og velbefindende i fokus, uanset om du søger lindring for specifikke muskelsmerter, restituering eller bare en dyb afslapning. Oplev forskellen med en fysioterapeutisk massage
As we work outside of the public agreement (without an external number/ydernummer), you do not require a referral from your doctor to receive treatment from us. Even with a referral from your own doctor, there is unfortunately no subsidy for treatment from the public health insurance.
If you are a member of Sygeforsikring “danmark”, a subsidy is provided for your treatment and we automatically report to them.
You have the opportunity to have your treatments covered from a number of health and accident insurances. Some insurance companies cover the full fee, while others cover only part of the fee.
As a patient you must contact your own insurance to obtain a grant. It is important that you state that you choose physiotherapy outside of the public contract (without an external number/ydernummer).